tubers and cull piles stocked near cold stores serve as
primary source of inoculum and should therefore, be
destroyed or buried deep in the soil.
By doing
this a large quantity of initial inoculum from such
sources can be reduced.
Use of healthy seed
Since the
fungus responsible for causing late blight survives in
the infected seed tubers kept in cold stores during
summer, visible blighted tubers from all seed stocks
should be carefully sorted out and destroyed after
is advisable to pile up harvested tubers for few days
(7-15) in the field before storing in cold stores.
disease free certified seed should be used.
At the time of harvesting, grading and
picking seed tubers should be properly examined and
infected seed tubers should be sorted out and burnt or
buried deep in the soil.
the potato fields, exposed tubers and those poorly
covered with soil area easily get infected by sporangia
which are washed down from foliage by rain.
To reduce
the tuber infection, proper hilling and earthing up
should be practiced. About 2-3 weeks before harvest,
foliage of late blight affected crop, from which seed is
to be obtained, should be cut and destroyed. This will
reduce the chances of tuber infection.
The planting dates may be advanced to avoid the
epidemic build up as the disease does not appear on
early sown crop in Punjab.
Wider intra-row and inter-row spacings are
useful as these create unfavourable conditions for
disease development. Wide spacings also help adequate
earthing up of plants. Rows facing sun also discourage
Digging of potatoes should be done after
2-3 weeks of dehaulming by which time the tuber skin
hardens while soil infection diminishes.
- Kufri Ashoka, kufri Chandramukhi, Kufri Bahar and Kufri
Pukhraj varieties of potato are highly susceptible to
late blight.
- Kufri Jyoti, Kufri Sutluj and Kufri Badshah are moderately
Potato Research Institute, Shimla has released potato
varieties like, Kufri Chipsona-1 and Kufri Chipsona-2
for cultivation in northern plains of the country. These
varieties are also moderately resistant to late blight
and are suitable for processing.
Planting of
unknown varieties should be avoided.
It has been observed that
late blight of potato generally makes its appearance on Kufri Chandramukhi
and Kufri Pukhraj in first or second week of November in some areas of
Hoshiarpur district from where it then spreads to the adjoining fields.
Therefore, it is advisable to spray the crop at this time with protectant
fungicides such as mancozeb (Indofil M-45/Mass M-45/Markzeb) or
cholorothalonil (Kavach) or propineb (Antracol) each @ 500-700 gm/acre or Blitox-50/Markcopper @ 750-1000 gm/acre.
However, these fungicides have to be applied as preventive measures and the
spray is to be repeated after 7 days. Once the infection has established and
symptoms developed, these fungicides prove ineffective.
Successful control of the
disease depends on both efficacy of the fungicide and good foliage coverage
with the spray solution. The neighboring farmers should also be advised to
spray crops with fungicides so that inoculum of the disease is minimized.
Under more favourable
weather conditions (highly humid due to rains, foggy, cloudy weather), late
blight is likely to develop in an epidemic form.
Under these conditions,
sprays of systemic fungicides in pre-packed mixture with protectants such as
Ridomil Gold (8 % mefanoxam + 64 % mancozeb) or Curzate M-8 (8% cymoxanil +
64% mancozeb), Sectin (10% fenamidon+50%
mancozeb) @ 700 g/acre or Revus (mandipropamid 250SC) or Equation
pro (16.6% famoxadone+22.1% cymoxanil) @ 200ml/acre
should be given and repeated once at 10 days interval.
Need - based Fungicide Spray Schedule
for Late Blight Control
Under low to moderate
disease risk situation, spray Indofil M-45/Mass M-45/Markzeb or Kavach or
Antracol each @ 500-700 g/acre or Blitox-50/Markcopper
@ 750-1000 gm/acre
(starting from first week of November) before disease appearance. Give five
more sprays at weekly intervals depending on disease situation and weather
In high disease risk
situation, due to favorable weather conditions (high relative humidity due
to rainy spells) 3rd and 4th spray may be given with Ridomil Gold or Curzate
M-8 or Sectin
@ 700 g/acre or Revus or Equation pro @ 200ml/acre at 10 days interval. Give
one more spray of Indofil M-45 or Kavach or Antracol subsequently.
On successive late sown
crops and spring crop, if the preceding crop is already attacked by late
blight and the inoculum is abundantly present, first spray may be given with
Ridomil Gold, followed by Indofil M-45 sprays at weekly interval.
Caution: Do not use under
dose of Ridomil Gold or self prepared tank mixtures of metalaxyl and
mancozeb as this may lead to development of resistant strains of the
high disease risk situation, due to favorable weather conditions (high
relative humidity due to rainy spells) 3rd and 4th spray may be given with
Ridomil Gold or Curzate M-8 or Sectin
@ 700 g/acre or Revus or Equation pro @ 200ml/acre A at 10 days interval. Give one more spray
of Indofil M-45 or Kavach or Antracol subsequently.