Cautions and Useful
Tips |
- Use only healthy seed free from late blight infection.
- Cull piles near cold stores should be destroyed.
- Give timely application of fungicides like Indofil M-45 or Mass M-45 or Markzeb and Mark Copper or Kavach or Antracol as prophylactic sprays i.e. before appearance of disease (1st week of November for main crop). Repeat the sprays if it has been washed down by the rain.
- Use Ridomil Gold or Curzate M-8 or other recommended systemic fungicides only when disease risk is likely to be severe and favourable weather conditions persist.
- Avoid the use of formulations containing metalaxyl alone and avoid using their self prepared mixtures of metalaxyl and mancozeb.
- High ridges and proper earthing up prevents tuber infection.
- Excessive irrigation should be avoided. Restrict irrigation during cloudy days.
- Digging of tubers should be done after 2-3 weeks of dehaulming.
- Sort out and destroy infected tubers after harvesting and before or after storage.
- Sowing of unrecommended varieties and spray of such fungicides should be avoided.
- Successive potato crop in the same field should be avoided during same crop season.