Mohinder Singh Randhawa Library
Punjab Agricultural University
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E-Books Punjabi
Sr. No. Title
1 Abiotic and Biotic Stresses in Soybean Production : Soybean Production Volume 1
2 Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Mangoes
3 Adjuvants and Agrochemicals : Volume 1: Mode Of Action and Physiological Activity
4 Adjuvants and Agrochemicals : Volume 2: Recent Development, Application, and Bibliography of Agro-Adjuvants
5 Adland a global history of advertising
6 Advanced Applied Microbiology
7 Advances in Agronomy
8 Advances in Applied Microbiology
9 Advances in Biotechnology for Food Industry
10 Advances in Characterization and Analysis of Expansive Soils and Rocks : Proceedings of the 1st GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition, Egypt 2017 on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures
11 Advances in Food Biochemistry
12 Advances in Food Diagnostics
13 Advances in Food Extrusion Technology
14 Advances in Postharvest Fruit and Vegetable Technology
15 Advances in Reinforced Soil Structures : Proceedings of the 1st GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition, Egypt 2017 on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures
16 Ageism: Past, Present, and Future
17 Agricultural Biotechnology
18 Agricultural Drainage Engineering
19 Agricultural Drainage Engineering : Field and Laboratory Manual
20 Agricultural Groundwater Revolution : Volume 3 in the 'Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture' series
21 Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable Agriculture : Volume 2: Applications in Crop Production and Protection
22 Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable Agriculture : Volume I: Plant-soil-microbe Nexus
23 Agri-Food Supply Chain Management : Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
24 Agroecology : Reweaving a New Landscape
25 Agroforestry : A Practical Guide to Profitable Farms and Woodlands
26 Agroforestry : Principles and Practices
27 Agroforestry : Theory And Practices
28 Agroforestry for the Management of Waterlogged Saline Soils and Poor-Quality Waters
29 Agroforestry In India
30 Agroforestry Research Developments
31 Agroforestry Systems in India: Livelihood Security & Ecosystem Services
32 Agroforestry: Systems and Practices
33 Applied Tree Biology
34 Ashgate Handbook of Pesticides and Agricultural Chemicals
35 Atmosphere: Pearson New International Edition
36 Automation in Tree Fruit Production : Principles and Practice
37 Basic Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry
38 Basic Concepts Of Organic Chemistry
39 Basics of Mutation Breeding
40 Basics of Research Methodology
41 Beeconomy : What Women and Bees Can Teach Us About Local Trade and the Global Market
42 Behaviour of Strontium in Plants and the Environment
43 Best Management Practices for Drip Irrigated Crops
44 Best Management Practices for Saline and Sodic Turfgrass Soils : Assessment and Reclamation
45 Big Mind : How Collective Intelligence Can Change Our World
46 Bioactive Peptides, Applications for Improving Nutrition and Health
47 Bioactive Polysaccharides
48 Biochemistry and Plant Genetics
49 Biodiversity: Food and Nutrition : A New Agenda for Sustainable Food Systems
50 Biofertilizers Technology
51 Biofortification of Food Crops
52 Biomass and Biofuels: Advanced Biorefineries for sustainable Production and Distribution 
53 Bionanocomposites : Integrating Biological Processes for Bioinspired Nanotechnologies
54 Biopesticides Handbook
55 Bioprospecting : Success, Potential and Constraints
56 Bioremediation of Salt Affected Soils: An Indian Perspective
57 Bioremediation Technology : Recent Advances
58 Biosensors Based on Sandwich Assays
59 Biotechnological Tools for Genetic Resources
60 Biotechnology
61 Biotechnology and Plant Disease Management
62 Biotechnology in Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
63 Biotechnology of Crop Science
64 Biotic Stress Management in Rice
65 Black literature criticism: classic and emerging authors since 1950
66 Breeding of Fruit Crops
67 Breeding Oilseed Crops for Sustainable Production : Opportunities and Constraints
68 Buckwheat Germplasm in the World
69 Carbohydrate Chemistry : Chemical and Biological Approaches Volume 43
70 Carbon Capture and Storage
71 Case Studies in the Traditional Food Sector : A Volume in the Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing Series
72 Change management masterclass: a step by step guide to successful change management
73 Chemical Evolution of Nitrogen-based Compounds in Mozzarella Cheeses
74 Chemical Thermodynamics, 1/e : Classical, Statistical and Irreversible
75 Chemistry and Technology of Honey Production
76 China and India : History, Culture, Cooperation and Competition
77 Citrus
78 Climate Change
79 Climate Change and Environmental Ethics
80 Climate Change and Food Security
81 Climate Change and United States Forests
82 Climate Dynamics in Horticultural Science , Volume Two: Impact, Adaptation, and mitigation 
83 Climate Dynamics in Horticultural Sciences, Volume One: The Principles and Applications
84 Combined Heat and Power
85 Common Agricultural Policy and Organic Farming : An Institutional Perspective on Continuity and Change
86 Communication Skills and Personality Development
87 Communication Technologies in Agriculture
88 Community-Based Water Law and Water Resource Management Reform in Developing Countries : Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, v.5
89 Comprehensive Introduction to Bioenergy
90 Concepts for Understanding Fruit Trees
91 Conceptual Problems In Organic Chemistry (Volume I)
92 Conservation Agriculture : An Approach to Combat Climate Change in Indian Himalaya
93 Conservation Biology
94 Control of Salmonella and Other Bacterial Pathogens in Low-Moisture Foods
95 Conventional and Organic Farming : A Comprehensive Review Through the Lens of Agricultural Science
96 CRC Handbook of Pesticides
97 Creating success series: how to motivate people
98 Creating success series: how to understand business finance
99 Creating success series: how to write a business plan
100 Creating success series: improve communication skills
101 Crop Genetic Diversity in the Field and on the Farm : Principles and Applications in Research Practices
102 Crop Systems Biology : Narrowing the Gaps Between Crop Modelling and Genetics
103 Cropping Pattern Modification to Overcome Abiotic Stresses : Water, Salinity and Climate
104 Crops Residue Management
105 Culinary Reactions : The Everyday Chemistry of Cooking
106 Data Mining with R : Learning with Case Studies, Second Edition
107 Develop your marketing skills
108 Developments in Earthquake Geotechnics
109 Digital Forestry.
110 Digital Mind
111 Dimensions of Extension Education
112 Dimensions of Food, Seventh Edition
113 Diseases of Edible Oilseed Crops
114 Drip Irrigation for Agriculture
115 Dynamics of structures with MATLAB® applications
116 Earth Science, Global Edition
117 Economic Botany & Its Applications
118 Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms : Technology and Applications
119 Efficient Management of Wastewater From Manufacturing : New Treatment Technologies
120 Elementary Engineering Hydrology
121 Elementary Surveying : International Edition
122 Elements of Entomology
123 Encyclopaedia of Plant Breeding
124 Encyclopedia of Extinct Plants
125 Encyclopedia of Solid Fuels
126 Engineering Aspects of Food Emulsification and Homogenization
127 Engineering Practices for Agricultural Production and Water Conservation : An Interdisciplinary Approach
128 Enhancing Cleanup of Environmental Pollutants : Volume 1: Biological Approaches
129 Enhancing Cleanup of Environmental Pollutants : Volume 2: Non-Biological Approaches
130 Enhancing Extraction Processes in the Food Industry
131 Environmental Conservation, Clean Water, Air & Soil (CleanWAS)
132 Environmental Contaminants : Measurement, Modelling and Control
133 Environmental Education
134 Environmental Geochemistry: Site Characterization, Data Analysis and Case Histories
135 Environmental Impact of Agricultural Production Activities
136 Environmental Issues with Agriculture
137 Environmental Policy and Politics
138 Environmental Science and Technology : Concepts and Applications
139 Environmental Science: Pearson New International Edition
140 Environmental Studies
141 Environmental Studies
142 Environmental Vibrations and Transportation Geodynamics
143 Ergonomic Workplace Design for Health,Wellness and Productivity
144 Essential Oils in Food Processing: Chemistry, Safety and Applications
145 Essentials of Plant Breeding
146 Evolution of Molecular Biology : The Search for the Secrets of Life
147 Exotic Fruits Reference Guide
148 Experimental Approaches of NMR Spectroscopy : Methodology and Application to Life Science and Materials Science
149 Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
150 Fermented Foods and Beverages of the World
151 Food and Agricultural Wastewater Utilization and Treatment
152 Food and Agriculture During the Civil War
153 Food and Feed Safety Systems and Analysis
154 Food and Nutrients in Disease Management
155 Food and Nutritional Toxicology
156 Food Biofortification Technologies
157 Food Insecurity and Public Health
158 Food Neophobia : Behavioral and Biological Influences
159 Food Packaging and Preservation
160 Food Preservation
161 Food Processing Handbook
162 Food Quality Assurance :Principles and Practices 
163 Food Quality: Balancing Health and Disease
164 Food Science and the Culinary Arts
165 Food Sovereignty, Agroecology and Biocultural Diversity : Constructing and Contesting Knowledge
166 Forest Genetics
167 From Plant Genomics to Plant Biotechnology
168 Fruit and Vegetable Phytochemicals : Chemistry and Human Health, 2 Volumes
169 Fruit Juices : Extraction, Composition, Quality and Analysis
170 Fruit Phenolics
171 Fruit Ripening : Physiology, Signalling and Genomics
172 Functional Genomics : Novel Insights, Applications and Future Challenges
173 Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry for Competitive Examinations
174 Fundamentals of Irrigation and On-farm Water Management: Volume 1
175 Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry
176 Gene Editing in Plants
177 General Agriculture: Question Bank for Students, Teachers and Researchers…
178 General Chemistry
179 Genes, Brains, and Human Potential
180 Genetic Data Analysis for Plant and Animal Breeding
181 Genetic Engineering of Horticultural Crops
182 Genetically Engineered Foods
183 Genomics and Proteomics in Nutrition
184 GIS Applications in Agriculture, Volume 4: Conservation Planning 
185 GIS Applications in Agriculture, Volume Four : Conservation Planning
186 Global Supply Chains Standards and the Poor : How the Globalization of Food Systems and Standards Affects Rural Development and Poverty
187 Green Chemistry : An Inclusive Approach
188 Green Urea : For Future Sustainability
189 Greenhouse Gas Balances of Bioenergy Systems
190 Greenhouse Gas Sinks
191 Groundwater and Seepage
192 Guava : Botany, Production and Uses
193 Handbook of Entomology
194 Handbook of Erosion Modelling
195 Handbook of Fruit Set and Development
196 Handbook of Mango Fruit : Production, Postharvest Science, Processing Technology and Nutrition
197 Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health(Human factorsand Ergonomics)
198 Handbook of Plant Nutrition, Second Edition
199 Handbook Of Vegetables Volume-2
200 Handbook on Irrigation and Drainage
201 Health Benefits of Fermented Foods and Beverages
202 Health Benefits of Organic Food : Effects of the Environment
203 Health Divided
204 Heavy Metal Contamination of Water and Soil : Analysis, Assessment, and Remediation Strategies
205 Heavy Metals in the Environment : Microorganisms and Bioremediation
206 History of Plant Breeding
207 Honey Bee Colony Health : Challenges and Sustainable Solutions
208 Honey Bees : Colony Collapse Disorder and Pollinator Role in Ecosystems
209 Horticultural Reviews
210 How to manage people
211 How to market your business: a practical guide to advertising, PR, selling and direct and online marketing
212 How to succeed at retail, winning case studies and strategies for retailers and brands
213 Human factors and Ergonomics in Consumer Product Design
214 Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis: International Edition
215 Hydroponics
216 ICTs for Transfer of Technologies Tools & Techniques
217 Impact of Nanoscience in the Food Industry
218 Indian Agriculture after the Green Revolution
219 Indian Agriculture After the Green Revolution : Changes and Challenges
220 Innovative Technologies for Food Preservation : Inactivation of Spoilage and Pathogenic Microorganisms
221 Innovative Wastewater Treatment & Resource Recovery Technologies: Impacts on Energy, Economy and Environment
222 Inorganic Chemistry
223 Insect-Plant Interactions (1992) : Volume IV
224 Integrated Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health
225 Integrated Land Use Planning for Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development 
226 Integrated Pest Management of Vegetable Crops
227 Integrated Watershed Management : Connecting People to their Land and Water
228 Intellectual Property Rights and Food Security
229 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
230 Introductory Agroforestry 
231 Introductory Forestry
232 IQ and aptitude tests
233 IQ and personality tests
234 Irrigation and Drainage Performance Assessment : Practical Guidelines
235 Irrigation Systems : Design, Planning and Construction
236 Kent’s Technology of Cereals : An Introduction for Students of Food Science and Agriculture
237 Key Notes on Agriculture Chemistry and Soil Science : For Ready Reference to the Students, Teachers, Researchers & Aspirants of Competitive Examinations
238 Key Notes on Genetics and Plant Breeding
239 Key Notes on Horticulture and Agriculture Extension : For Ready Reference to the Students, Teachers, Researchers & Aspirants of Competitive Examinations
240 Lab Manual of Microbiology and Biotechnology
241 Laboratory Statistics : Methods in Chemistry and Health Sciences
242 Lactic Acid in the Food Industry
243 Low Temperature Stress Physiology in Crops
244 Management of Wheat and Barley Diseases
245 Managing Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) as an Economic Resource
246 Manual on Postharvest Handling of Mediterranean Tree Fruits and Nuts 
247 Market research in practice series, questionnaire design, how to plan, structure and write survey material for effective market research
248 Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers
249 Medicinal Chemistry 2E
250 Medicinal Plants for Holistic Health and Well-Being
251 Micro Irrigation Management : Technological Advances and Their Applications
252 Micro Irrigation Scheduling and Practices
253 Microbial Applications : Recent Advancements and Future Developments
254 Microbial Biotechnology : An Interdisciplinary Approach
255 Microbial Production of Food Ingredients and Additives
256 Microbial Symbioses
257 Micronutrients in Health and Disease
258 Microorganisms in Sustainable Agriculture, Food, and the Environment
259 Modeling Methods and Practices in Soil and Water Engineering
260 Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology
261 Molecular Genetic Approaches to Maize Improvement
262 Molecular Spectrocopy
263 Motivate to win: learn how to motivate yourself and others
264 Multifunctional Agriculture : A Transition Theory Perspective
265 Mushroom Biotechnology : Developments and Applications
266 Nanoscience and Plant–Soil Systems
267 Nanotechnology : Food and Environmental Paradigm
268 Nanotechnology Applications in Food : Flavor, Stability, Nutrition and Safety
269 Nanotechnology, Food Security and Water Treatment
270 Natural and Artificial Flavoring Agents and Food Dyes
271 Nature and Properties of Soils, Global Edition
272 New Research and Developments of Water-Soluble Vitamins
273 Next-generation Sequencing and Bioinformatics for Plant Science
274 Nexus: Energy, Environment and Climate Change
275 Nitrate, Agriculture and the Environment
276 Non-Chemical Weed Control
277 Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Coupled Problems : Proceedings of the 1st GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition, Egypt 2017 on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures
278 Nutrition, Immunity, and Infection
279 Nutritional Antioxidant Therapies: Treatments and Perspectives
280 Nutritional Assessment of Athletes, Second Edition
281 Olive Mill Waste : Recent Advances for Sustainable Management
282 Onions and Other Vegetable Alliums
283 Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture
284 Organic Structural Spectroscopy: Pearson New International Edition
285 Organized Child : An Effective Program to Maximize Your Kid's Potential--in School and in Life
286 Papaya : Botany, Production and Uses
287 Perennial Grasses for Bioenergy and Bioproducts : Production, Uses, Sustainability and Markets for Giant Reed, Miscanthus, Switchgrass, Reed Canary Grass and Bamboo
288 Performance Evaluation of Micro Irrigation Management : Principles and Practices
289 Pest Management and Phytosanitary Trade Barriers
290 Pest Management and Residual Analysis in Horticultural Crops
291 Pesticide Problem : An Economic Approach to Public Policy
292 Pests of Stored Grains And Their Management: 2nd Edition
293 Phosphate in soils: interaction with micronutrients, radionuclides and heavy metals
294 Physical Chemistry: Pearson New International Edition
295 Phytochemicals in Citrus : Applications in Functional Foods
296 Plant Adaptation Strategies in Changing Environment
297 Plant Bioinformatics : Decoding the Phyta
298 Plant Breeding Reviews
299 Plant Ecology
300 Plant OMICS and Crop Breeding
301 Plant Pathology
302 Plant-Environment Interaction : Responses and Approaches to Mitigate Stress
303 Polyploidy and Hybridization for Crop Improvement
304 Pomegranate : Botany, Production and Uses
305 Postharvest Biology and Technology for Preserving Fruit Quality
306 Postharvest Biology and Technology of Horticultural Crops: Principles and Practices for Quality Maintenance
307 Potatoes Postharvest
308 Practical Skills in Chemistry
309 Practices of Irrigation & On-farm Water Management: Volume 2
310 Precision Agriculture for Sustainability and Environmental Protection
311 Preharvest Modulation of Postharvest Fruit and Vegetable Quality
312 Prestressed Concrete Design, 1/e
313 Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Through the Mediterranean Diet
314 Principles and Management of Clogging in Micro Irrigation
315 Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture
316 Profitability of Organic Field Crops
317 Profitable Customer Engagement : Concept, Metrics and Strategies
318 Property Rights and Climate Change
319 Proteins in Food Processing
320 Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy: Pearson New International Edition
321 Queen Bee Breeding
322 Question Bank on Forestry
323 Rainwater Harvesting for Agriculture in the Dry Areas
324 Recent Advances in Biopesticides : Biotechnological Applications
325 Recovering Bioactive Compounds From Agricultural Wastes
326 Reference Manual of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
327 Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design
328 Religion and Families: An Introduction (Textbooks in Family Studies)
329 Remote Sensing and Water Resources
330 Remote Sensing of the Environment: Pearson New International Edition
331 Renewable Energy and the Environment
332 Research in the Biomedical Sciences : Transparent and Reproducible
333 Rice and Rice Straw : Production, Cultivation and Uses
334 Rice Genomics, Genetics and Breeding
335 Science and Ethics
336 Silviculture of Indian Trees
337 Social Marketing in India
338 Soil and Water Engineering : Principles and Applications of Modeling
339 Soil Health and Intensification of Agroecosystems
340 Soil Health, Soil Biology, Soilborne Diseases and Sustainable Agriculture : A Guide
341 Soil Mapping and Process Modeling for Sustainable Land Use Management
342 Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
343 Soil Pollution : From Monitoring to Remediation
344 Soil Quality and Pesticide Residues Analysis
345 Soil Salinity Management in Agriculture
346 Soil Science Working for a Living : Applications of Soil Science to Present-day Problems
347 Soil Testing, Soil Stability and Ground Improvement : Proceedings of the 1st GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition, Egypt 2017 on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures
348 Soil Water Measurement : A Practical Handbook
349 Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century
350 Start up & run your own business, the essential guide to planning, funding and growing your new enterprise
351 Statistics for Process Control Engineers : A Practical Approach
352 Structural Analysis
353 Successful interviewing and recruitment
354 Surveying Fundamentals and Practices
355 Surveying with Construction Applications, Global Edition
356 Sustainable Crop Protection Under Protected Cultivation
357 Sustainable Management of Arthropod Pests of Tomato
358 Sweet Biochemistry : Remembering Structures, Cycles, and Pathways by Mnemonics
359 Systematic Pomology Vol.1 & 2
360 Testing Methods for Seed-Transmitted Viruses : Principles and Protocols
361 Textile Patterns and Designs
362 Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics, & Kinetics: Pearson New International Edition
363 Timeless Leadership : 18 Leadership Sutras From the Bhagavad Gita
364 Toxic Exposures
365 Trace Elements and Free Radicals in Oxidative Diseases
366 Tropical Fruits : From Cultivation to Consumption and Health Benefits, Fruits From the Amazon
367 Tropical Fruits Volume 1
368 Tropical Root and Tuber Crops : Cassava, Sweet Potato, Yams and Aroids 
369 Ultimate interview, make a great impression and get that job
370 Urban Tree Management : For the Sustainable Development of Green Cities
371 Vegetable Brassicas and Related Crucifers : Crop Production Science in Horticulture Series, No.14
372 Vegetable Breeding
373 Vegetable Crop Science
374 Vegetable Crops Breeding
375 Vegetable Crops: Vol.04. Horticulture Science Series
376 Vegetable Seed Production
377 Wastewater Management for Irrigation : Principles and Practices
378 Wastewater Management for irrigation: Principles and Practices
379 Water Engineering
380 Water Production and Wastewater Treatment
381 Water Scarcity and Sustainable Agriculture in Semiarid Environment : Tools, Strategies, and Challenges for Woody Crops
382 Water Supply and Pollution Control: Pearson New International Edition
383 Water-Resources Engineering: International Edition
384 Women in Sustainable Agriculture
385 World Food Problem
386 World Soil Resources and Food Security

Technical Writing, Communication Skills, and Library & Information Services: Manual for PGS 501 Course

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