Seed plays a vital role in effecting successful agriculture. Punjab witnessed unprecedented food grain production in the 1970s and 80s with the development, release, and popularization of improved varieties and their seed production along with relevant crop production and protection technologies. The state established records in average yield productivity of important crops across years and contributed significantly to the national pool of food grain reserves. The role of quality seed in achieving enhancement in productivity as well as production, especially during the last four decades, has been phenomenal.
Land availability: The Punjab Agricultural University is well known for its seed production program and its subsequent supply to farmers. The seed is produced under a self-sustaining revolving fund scheme at 5 University Seed Farms, viz., USF at Ladhowal, USF at Naraingarh, USF at Nabha, USF at Faridkot and USF at Usman. In addition, there are 7 Regional Research Stations and 17 Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) where commercial seed production is also undertaken to some extent. Research on seed production technology, nucleus seed production of different crops, and production of seedlings of horticulture and forest crops is undertaken at the main campus, PAU, Ludhiana, which is also the coordination center for seed production and distribution. All USFs, RRSs and KVKs are connected to the coordination center through the internet and paid mobile facility for all scientists and staff. The University has an area of about 4500 acres under field crops, 300 acres under agroforestry, and 500 acres under horticultural crops.
Seed production: The University is producing seed of 138 varieties of 32 field crops and 52 varieties of 28 vegetable crops. The Breeder seed is produced mainly at USF, Naraingarh as per allocation from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. USFs at Faridkot and Ladhowal and RRS Abohar also produce Breeder Seed, particularly of hybrids, where isolation distance is required. The National Breeder Seed indent for wheat and paddy varieties developed by PAU ranks number 1 or 2, illustrating their wide adaptability from North to South zone. The Foundation seed is produced as per estimates and prudent guess; hence mismatches do occur at times. Quality seed is produced on the leftover area after allocating land for Breeder and Foundation seed production. The University also produces substantial seed of cash crops (sugarcane and potato), vegetable crops as well as seedlings of vegetable and fruit crops at its seed farms. A part of quality wheat seed is produced under Public–Public Partnership with Borlaug Institute for South Asia located at Ladhowal, Ludhiana. Often, quality berseem and moongbean seed is produced under the Public-Private Partnership and Farmers' Participatory Seed Production program.
Seed delivery: A considerable quantity of seed is marketed at Ludhiana campus through the Seed Sale Counter which remains open throughout the year. Seed is also sold at KVKs, RRSs, and USFs. The University also has its own seed sale outlet at NDRI, Karnal to cater to the needs of farmers of Haryana. Sometimes, seed sale is also arranged through officials of the State Department of Agriculture to ensure its reach to the farmers at the right time. The University also organizes Kisan Mela/Diwas at seven locations in different agro-climatic zones of the state twice a year, during the kharif and rabi seasons. The sale of seed during these kisan melas is a major attraction for the visiting farmers. Besides seed sale, seed days and field days are also organized for the benefit of the farmers to showcase the performance of new varieties and/or new technologies developed by PAU.
Trainings on seed production: Regular trainings are organized for the benefit of farmers and seed producers on different aspects of seed production. Farmers’ training on hybrid seed production helps to boost seed availability as well as farmer’s income.
Success story: The year 2016-17 was celebrated as The National Pulses Year, because of which the area under seed production of summer and kharif pulses was increased manyfold at PAU and under participatory seed production program, achieving a substantial production of moong and mash seed, besides other pulses. |