Centre for Advanced Faculty Training in Genetics and Plant Breeding
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (Punjab)
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List of selected participants for training programme on, 'Biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in plants under changing climatic conditions' (06-8-2019 to 26-08-2019)

Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana - 141004

Sr. No. Name of participant & Address
1. Dr. Sandeep Rambhauji Kamdi, Assistant Professor,
AICRP on Linseed and Mustard, College of Agriculture,
Maharajbag, Nagpur, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth,
Akola (Maharashtra)
2. Dr. Vaijayanthi P V, Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics,
College of Agriculture, Padannakkad, Kasaragod,
3. Dr. Datchinamoorthy Sassi Kumar, Associate Professor,
Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute,
Aduthurai-612101, Thanjavur District, Tamilnadu
4. Dr. Lovely B, Assistant Professor (Plant Breeding & Genetics),
ORARS, Kayamkulam, Alappuzha-690502, Kerala
5. Dr. Gayathri G., Assistant Professor,
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics,
College of Agriculture, Vellayani,
Thiruvananthapuram-695522, Kerala
6. Dr. Manoj Kumar, Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics,
Agricultural Research Station, Ummedganj,
Agriculture University Kota-324001 (Rajasthan)
7. Dr. Champa Lal Khatik, Assistant Professor,
Plant Breeding & Genetics, Agricultural Research Station,
Fatehpur-Shekawati: Sikar (Rajasthan) -332301
8. Dr. Rajendra Lila Dhar Bhakre, Assistant Professor,
Agricultural Research Station, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth,
Kasbe Digraj-416305, Dist. Sangli (Maharashtra)
9. Dr. Ashwini Abhijeet Mankar, Assistant Professor,
Anand Niketan College of Agriculture,
Anandwan, Warora, Dist-Chandrapur-442914 (Maharashtra)
10. Mr. Wadikar Padmakar Balasaheb, Assistant Professor,
Department of Agricultural Botany,
College of Agriculture, Latur-413 512 (Maharashtra)
11. Dr. Umesh Babu, Subject Matter Specialist,
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bahraich-271801 (U.P.)
12. Dr. Shobha Ulavappa Immadi, Assistant Professor,
College of Agriculture, UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka
13. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Kaniram Parmar, Assistant Professor,
Pearl Millet Research Station, Junagadh Agricultural University,
Air Force Road Jamnagar-361006, Gujarat
14. Dr. Haimilkumar Kamleshkumar Joshi, Assistant Professor,
Coastal Soil Salinity Research Station, Danti - Ubharat,
Soil and Water Management Research Unit,
Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari-396450, Gujarat
15. Dr. Manesh Chander Dagla, Scientist
ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research
PAU Campus, Ludhiana
16. Dr. Bahadur Singh Jat, Scientist,
ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research,
PAU Campus, Ludhiana
17. Dr. Pranaykumar Chandubhai Patel, Assistant Professor,
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding,
C.P. College of Agriculture,
Sardar Krushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University,
Sardarkrushinagar -385 506, Banashkantha, Gujarat
18. Dr. K. Sakthivel, Assistant Professor, Cotton Research Station,
(Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Veppanthattai,
Perambalur Distt., Tamilnadu
19. Dr. Chitti Bharat Kumar, Assistant Professor
(Genetics and Plant Breeding),
Agricultural Research Station Malgi-581346,
North Canara, Karnataka
20. Dr. Namita, Scientist, Room No. 4A,
Division of Floriculture and Landscaping ICAR-IARI,
New Delhi-110012
21. Dr. Linta Vincent Vincent, Scientist,
Division of Fruit Crops,
ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR),
Hessarghatta Lake Post Bangalore-560089, Karnataka
22. Dr. Shoba D, Assistant Professor,
Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics,
Agricultural College and Research Institute,
Killikulam, Vallanad-628252
Tuticorin District, Tamilnadu
23. Dr. Tukaram Jayaram Bhor, Assistant Professor,
Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth,
Rahuri - 413722 District Ahmednagar, Maharashtra
24. Mr. Ramjibhai Narsinhbhai Patel, Associate Professor,
Potato Research Station, S.D. Agril. University,
Deesa- 385535, Dist. Bansaskantha (Gujarat)
25. Mr. Dalpatji Lalji Sundesha, Assistant Professor,
College of Horticulture, S.D. Agricultural University,
Jagudan, Gujarat
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